Monday, 17 August 2015

Week - I don't even know anymore!!

Recently I posted about giving myself a massive kick up the behind as i'd fallen off the running wagon in a big way.  I revised my 10K plan and decided to increase my times rather than my miles as there is a HUGE difference between adding a mile a fortnight and adding 5 minutes a week in my head.  A mile feels like a huge obstacle, but 5 minutes seems perfectly fine and this needs to be enjoyable and manageable in my opinion!

So revised plan in the bag and motivation levels high, I planned for a 20 minute interval run on Monday to help me increase my speed, weights and core/Sargent Mack's Field Fest on Tuesday, 35 minute on Wednesday, Step-up on Thursday, rest day Friday, cycling Saturday and a 45 minute run on Sunday.  Annnd then I got sick and spent much of Monday throwing up which left me exhausted, weak and grotty for the rest of the week.  Bah!

So today is a new week and there are just 5 short weeks until The Big 10K!   Eeeek!!!  Can she do it?!  I'd like to shout back "Yes, she can" in a rousing Bob The Builder stylie, but instead I'll whisper that i'll give it a ruddy good go and make no further promises!

Watch this space.......